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What is the Trapzilla?

The Trapzilla Supercapacity Grease Trap collects free-floating FOG (fats, oils and grease) from kitchen wastewater efficiently and effectively. The essential removal of this FOG prevents the blocking of pipes that therefore saves time, money and stress. Without the Trapzilla, a food establishment is at risk of costly sewer surcharges and sewer overflows caused by blockages in the pipes by solidified grease. These are a significant public health risk and require specialised equipment, time and manpower to clean.

The Trapzilla uses state of the art technology to prevent thermal inversion and outperform other grease traps in its league.

What is thermal inversion and why is it a problem?

Imagine a lava lamp. This swirling of liquids is what happens with thermal inversion and therefore causes a reduction in the efficiency of grease separation and removal. Specifically, when warmer liquid enters the grease trap, the section of water below the trapped grease layer descends as rapidly rising hotter water rises to replace the cold water.

Additionally, as the cold-water falls, it does so with the underside of the grease layer into the rapidly moving water flow along the bottom of the separator.

This process is the reason traditional grease separators have large internal volumes. As the grease layer fills to 25% of the internal volume, thermal inversion effect losses may occur with as little as a 2.5⁰C difference between the incoming kitchen effluent and the water temperature within the grease separator.

As a result of this the outlet of the interceptor floods with displaced grease, which therefore greatly reduces the traditional grease trap’s efficiency.

How does the Trapzilla solve this problem?

The Trapzilla has a horizontal baffle that acts as a protective barrier for the layer of stored grease. It prevents the rising warm water from disrupting the grease layer and has resulted in the Trapzilla performing exceeding well in tests measuring grease trap performance.

For example, after 41 hours of testing to the ASME* Standard, with 5364kg (1,826lb) of retained grease, The TZ-1826’s accumulated efficiency was still 99.2%. Even at 378.5 litres p/s (100 gallon p/m) test conditions.

This enables the TZ-1826 to hold nearly a ton of fat, oil and grease in a volume of 1037.2 litres (274 gallons). Additionally, the TZ-1826 also holds almost 70% more grease than any other hydromechanical interceptor of comparable size. It is therefore no surprise that it is one of the market leaders.

*ASME tests are used to confirm that interceptors are manufactured to work properly and are effective weapons in the fight against FOG. This standard has a specific requirement with regards to design, construction and functionality of the units.

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